Partners & Investors

Invest to make a true and traceable impact.

Become a partner and invest in creating a genuine and traceable impact. Small-scale farmers should not be the most impoverished individuals on our continent; agriculture value chains can, and must, be improved. Each year, over 15 million Malawians rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Unfortunately, these farming families only achieve about 30% of their potential yield. This harsh reality traps farmer families in a cycle of subsistence farming, where low yields and profitability mean that in a good year, farmers earn roughly $50-100 per acre of land their family has access to.

The impact of your investment doesn’t stop there.

Using a competitive buying and selling ethos, GGEM is building an alternative food system that is both equitable and profitable, where GGEM farmer produce is bought from farmers significantly above local vendor prices. Malawi succeeds when farmer communities earn more. Stimulating rural economies through your investment enables more farmer incomes to circulate in rural communities as farmers self-invest in their own goals.

With your help, we can change the future of farmers, their families and the communities they feed.

Partnering with GGEM is an investment in breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty among the farmers who feed us. By implementing programs that increase food availability and boost farmer livelihoods through targeted training, financial support, and essential food production services. Means we have a real shot at fostering sustainable economic prosperity and food security for low-income African communities.

Get in touch

Fill out the form below and we will cantact you as soon as possible.

GGEM has been successfully managing debt financing since 2019. We are also able to absorb debt financing. Typically our terms last for 1 year, where fund use is fully traceable. We are not in the business of selling equity, so we remain farmer first focused as we scale. Debt financing GGEM’s produce purchase fund means putting your investment directly into farmers’ pockets.

Partners FAQs

What Type Of Financing Does GGEM Receive?

GGEM Farming currently invests in rural farmers via Partner Grant Funding  and  Impact Investment Debt Financing.

GGEM Farming is registered as Limited by Guarantee Company in Malawi.

GGEM Farming is registered with the Malawi NGO Board and meets the USA Equivalency Determination.